Apply for the Hong Kong Inter-School Choir 2024-2025! Apply Now!

Competition cum Masterclass

The goal of HKICF is to let students in Hong Kong experience the full flavours of an international choral festival without having to travel. This is why in every session of the competition, there are two different adjudicators with one of them being from overseas. This is to facilitate music exchange between Hong Kong and the rest of the world.

We believe that learning music through observation can be even more meaningful. With an alternative competition model, we would like to emphasise that the participating teams are not competitors, but are actually learning partners. After each choir’s performance, adjudicators will come onstage for mini-coaching sessions, actively engaging with the choir, conductor, and the audience. Each choir is then encouraged to perform their piece again, incorporating the comments and suggestions received from the adjudicators. Through this exchange, both the choir and the audience can benefit from the adjudicators’ constructive comment, encouraging attendees to learn from different perspectives, creating a valuable learning experience for all. 

Adjudicators and Presenters

New Zealand
Conductor Emeritus of Toronto Children’s Chorus
Conductor of the Defrost Youth Choir
The Philippines
President of the Philippine Choral Directors Association
Hong Kong
Chairman of The Opera Society of Hong Kong
Founder, Managing Artistic Director and Conductor, Cincinnati Youth Choir
Hong Kong
Senior Lecturer of the Hong Kong Baptist University Academy of Music
Hong Kong
Music Director of St. Paul’s Co-educational College
Hong Kong
Music Director of EdUHK Chorus
​Artistic Director and Conductor of the Müller Chamber Choir
Hong Kong
Chorus Director of Opera Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Professional Voice Teacher

In order to focus on the goal of music-making and mutual improvement, participating teams are free to choose their own pieces to join the competition. As long as the standard of the choirs reach a certain level of competence, the team will be awarded with the corresponding level of prize.

The competition also has an “Audience Choice Award”. The video recorded performances of the  participating teams uploaded to our social media platforms and the one with the most likes will win this Award. This does not only allow for public participation but can also raise the people’s understanding of choral music.

Besides singing techniques, choral singing can also nurture students’ teamwork and communication skills. In each competition session, each school will send out one of its member to be the MC, introducing his or her own choir to the audience. The introduction can also include unforgettable memories from their practices, the style of the performing songs etc., which can give them an opportunity to share what they have learnt.

Each year before the choral festival, both teachers and conductors spare no effort during practices, so as to cultivate students, spark their interest in music and expose them to different genres of music. These efforts should not go unnoticed, therefore at the end of each competition session, there is a dedicated thank you section for the teachers, so that choirs can express their gratitude to their teachers and conductors.

Last not not least, in order to promote choral music, the Festival spares no expenses and welcomes any members of the public to enjoy the performances of the participating choirs for free. 

New Components (Optional)

Meet the Jury

Charges: Free of charge

As a new initiative in HKICF2024, a “Meet the Jury” will be arranged for each choir after the competition, where interested conductors will have the chance to meet online with a member of the adjudicating panel to ask for more in-depth comments on their performances and exchange views with each other. This is an optional component that will be available to you in the application form.

Performance Highlights Package

Charges: $500/school

The package includes high-resolution performance photos without watermark and a full competition performance video of the choir(s) with comments from adjudicators. This is an optional component that will be available to you in the application form.

Rules and Regulations

1.1. By registering to participate in the Competition, a choir represents that it has thoroughly reviewed all rules and regulations relating to the Competition and agrees to strictly adhere to them.

1.2. Emails to participating choirs and notices and procedures pertaining to the Competition published on HKICF’s website and/or social media platforms form part of the Competition’s rules and regulations.

1.3. HKICF reserves the right to modify the Competition rules and regulations from time to time. All such changes, along with all Competition-related notices, will be published on HKICF’s website and/or social media platforms.

1.4. A participating choir in breach of the Competition rules and regulations may be disqualified from the Competition.

1.5. Any breach of the Competition rules and regulations by a teacher or student of a participating choir may also result in the participating choir’s disqualification from the Competition.

2.1. Upon registration, participating choirs are required to ensure the accuracy of all information on the registration forms. 

2.2. HKICF may request additional information from the participating choirs from time to time. The participating choirs shall provide the requested information in a timely and accurate manner.

2.3. HKICF shall not be responsible for any delay or mistake in communication with a participating choir due to a lack of required information from, or mistake(s) in the information provided by, that participating choir.

3.1. Based on the ensemble size and performance length, participating choirs will be assigned to different sessions. Each session will be independently adjudicated and scored.

3.2. HKICF will finalize all competition items’ dates, times, appearance order, and locations without input from the participating choirs.

3.3. HKICF reserves the right to transfer, modify, or cancel any Competition-related arrangement.

3.4. For participating choirs that cannot attend the allotted competition timeslot,  HKICF may at its sole discretion decide whether to arrange  an alternative timeslot to such choirs.

3.5. If a Competition is canceled for any reason,  HKICF may at its sole discretion decide whether an alternative Competition session(s) will take place.

4.1 HKICF will announce detailed arrangements for on-day registration at a date closer to the Competition.

4.2. Participating choirs must arrive at the competition venues and report to the event assistant according to their registration time.

5.1. Participating choirs violating copyright laws by using photographic copies without permission will be disqualified.

5.2. The adjudicators are entitled to not give a mark or award if the music played by a participating choir is not the music submitted for the Competition.

5.3. On the day of the Competition, participating choirs are required to submit two copies of the music score to the event assistant for evaluation. If the choir will perform with piano accompaniment, the piano part must be included in the score. If there are other instruments used in the performance, two copies of the instrumental scores must also be provided for evaluation. HKICF reserves the right to keep the scores for record.  Failing to submit the relevant scores will negatively impact the choir’s grades.

5.4. Participating choirs should perform according to the submitted music score. The adjudicators may deduct marks if a performance deviates from the submitted score.

5.5. Participating choirs must separately arrange for an accompanist if accompaniment is necessary. Since vocal and instrumental parts complement one another, the performance of accompaniment will affect the overall score of the participating choirs.

6.1. Each participating choir’s first performance will be assessed. The adjudicators will subsequently give comments and feedback. The participating choir may be asked to perform excerpts of the piece(s) again if time allows.

6.2. Each participating choir will have about 10 – 15 minutes of performance time,  including the time for adjudicators to finalize the score and feedback.

6.3. Prior to performing, one or two student representative(s) from each participating choir should give a brief (around 1-minute) introduction of the choir and the chosen piece(s).

6.4. If a participating choir fails to perform at an acceptable level, the adjudicators have the right to stop the performance.

6.5. If the adjudicators believe that a participating choir can already be given a grade or rating during its performance, the adjudicators have the right to stop the performance.

6.6. The Competition prohibits the use of loudspeakers, electronic musical instruments, synthesizers and audio-visual equipment by any participating choir.

6.7. Only a piano is provided at the Competition venue. Participating choirs are responsible for bringing other instruments they wish to use for their performance.

6.8. All performances and accompaniments must be performed live.

6.9. As a new initiative in HKICF2024, an optional “Meet the Jury” session is available to all participating choirs. It will be a separate video conference of 10-15 minutes after the Competition. The conductor of a participating choir may seek further comments and feedback on its performance from one of the adjudicators. The schedule for the online meeting via Zoom will be released in due course. Due to the constraints in scheduling, scheduled timeslots can only be changed with  HKICF’s written approval. An administrative fee of HKD500 would be charged for absences without prior approval from HKICF.

6.10. The number of performers of each participating school choir (Excluding the conductor and the piano accompanist) is restricted from 30 to 70.

7.1. Adjudicators will assess participating choirs’ performance based on:
(1) Technical Evaluation (40%): Including but not limited to: Intonation, vocal quality, homogeneity & rhythmic accuracy

(2) Artistic Evaluation (60%): Including but not limited to: Overall artistic impression, stage awareness, fidelity to the score and/or interpretation, authenticity based on genre & difficulty of the pieces (i.e. whether the chosen pieces match the choir’s abilities)

7.2. Adjudicators shall retain final discretion on all artistic matters.

8.1. Participating choirs will receive their comment sheet at the end of their Competition session.

8.2. Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Certificate of Merit awards are not subject to any quota in any Competition session.

8.3. Awards will be given based on the following classification:

Gold: 85 points or above
Silver: 75 – 84 points
Bronze: 65 – 74 points
Certificate of Merit: 60 – 64 points

8.4. A participating choir receiving 59 points or below will be awarded a “Certificate of Participation”.

8.5. Certificates will be distributed at HKICF’soffice on a designated date to be announced after the Competition. Participating choirs are responsible for sending their representative to collect their certificate(s) on the designated date.

8.6. Certificates, once collected, will not be reissued if damaged or lost.

9.1. All participants and audience must adhere to the venue rules imposed by the venue.

9.2. Students of the participating choirs will be given seating priority at the venue. The HKICF reserves the right to deny entry of accompanying teachers or parents if space is not available.

9.3. During the Competition, participating choirs, including accompanying teachers and parents, will only be allowed to enter and leave the Competition venue at the beginning and the end of the Competition session.

9.4. Young children under the age of 3 are not permitted in the Competition venue.

9.5. The event assistant reserves the right to finalize seating arrangements according to the restrictions by the venue or the request by the adjudicators.

9.6. Rehearsal is strictly prohibited at all Competition venues and nearby areas.

9.7. Participating choirs must not alter the setting of the venues under any circumstances. HKICF reserves the right to seek compensation from concerned parties if there were damages to any facilities in the Competition venue.

9.8. One music stand, piano and piano stool will be provided. Unless otherwise stated, no other equipment, such as props, stage sets or power, will be provided at the Competition venue.

9.9. All participants and team members are responsible for making arrangements for handling musical instruments and articles while entering the venue and moving on and off stage. The venue or HKICF staff will not provide any related assistance.

9.10. Any assistance given by venue or HKICF staff on the handling of musical instruments or articles will be solely voluntary in nature. HKICF is not responsible for any related damage or loss.

9.11. Any individual, including the participants and audience, who causes nuisance at the venue will be asked to leave and their related participating choir may be disqualified.

9.12. No electronic and communications devices may be used at the venue without HKICF’s permission.

9.13. HKICF is the sole authorized photographer at the venue. Unless otherwise permitted, photography, audio or video recording of any part of the Competition (including the granting of comments and the announcement of the results). Violators will be asked to leave the venue.

9.14. All attendees of the Competition are responsible for their own personal belongings. HKICF is not responsible for any related damage or loss.

9.15. Public parking space will not be provided by any Competition venue.

10.1. For matters not covered by these Competition rules, a final decision consistent with the spirit of these Competition rules will be made by HKICF.

10.2. In the case that the Education Bureau announces the suspension of classes due to infectious diseases/weather or other reasons, and participating choirs are required to cancel all activities, Competition session(s) may be canceled and there will be no re-scheduling of the Competition session(s). HKICF will also not make any further announcement regarding such canceled Competition session(s).

10.3. HKICF will not provide a refund under any circumstance.

10.4. HKICF retains the discretion to not allow any individual or group from participating in the Competition and related activities due to public health concerns.

10.5. Photos and videos of participating choirs, Competition information or award-related materials etc. may be uploaded onto the relevant websites or used as materials for publicity. HKICF is not required to inform participants and their families in advance or pay any related fees.

10.6. Rights to all Competition-related photography, as well as video and sound recording belong to the Hong Kong Virtuosos Chorus Limited.

11.1. Inquiries, complaints or comments must be made in writing by the teacher/principal responsible for registration and submitted to HKICF (email: [email protected]) on or prior to the date of the final session of the Competitions.

11.2. These inquiries, complaints or comments will be dealt with after the Competition is concluded. The relevant teacher will receive a written reply and be informed of the follow-up result, if any.

11.3. The letter containing the inquiries, complaints or comments must include the following:

(1) Signature of the school principal or responsible teacher; and
(2) Display of the official school chop.

11.4. No reply will be given for any communication that fails to comply with the above format. HKICF will not respond to any complaints made by other means.

Frequently Asked Questions

Participating choirs should arrive at the Competition venue and report to the event assistant according to their assigned registration time. Prior to performing, one or two student representative(s) should give a brief (around 1-minute) introduction of the choir and the chosen piece(s). Each participating choir’s first performance will be assessed. The adjudicators will give comments and feedback after the performance. The participating choir may be asked by the adjudicators to perform excerpts of the piece(s) again if time allows. Each participating choir is provided with about 10-15 minutes of performance time, which includes the time for adjudicators to finalize the score and feedback.

Participating choirs are required to bring two copies of the music score and a copyright declaration form to be handed over to the event assistant for evaluation. If this score is to be performed with accompaniment, sheet music including the accompaniment must also be provided. HKICF will keep two copies of the score for record. The participating choirs must provide all instruments needed for the performance other than the piano, which will be provided by the venue.

One music stand, piano and piano stool will be provided. Unless otherwise stated, no other equipment, such as props, stage sets or power, will be provided at the Competition venue. All other instruments must be provided by the participating choir. Use of loudspeakers, electronic musical instruments, synthesizers and audio-visual equipment at Competitions is prohibited.

Participating choirs must separately arrange for an accompanist if accompaniment is necessary.

HKICF is the sole authorized photographer for the venue. No electronic or communications devices may be used at the venue without permission. Unless otherwise permitted, photography, audio or video recording of any part of the Competition (including the granting of comments and the announcement of the results). Violators will be asked to leave the venue. Rights to all competition-related photography, as well as video and sound recording, belong to the Hong Kong Virtuoso Chorus Limited.

Participating choirs are required to submit the original score or a letter of copyright declaration along with two copies of the music to be handed over to the event assistant for evaluation upon registration at the Competition venue. If the copyright cannot be cleared, the participating choir will bear all responsibilities relating to such failure. Participating choirs which violate copyright laws by using photographic copies without permission will be disqualified.

Unfortunately, you do not have the option to specify a date for the Hong Kong Inter-School Choral Festival (HKICF) Competitions. HKICF is responsible for determining the date, time, order, and location of all Competition events. However, participating schools do have the opportunity to suggest preferred competition dates and provide reasons during the application period. These suggestions are taken into consideration by HKICF as reference. For instance, schools can request to avoid scheduling Competitions on specific dates to prevent conflicts with school exams. HKICF will strive to accommodate these requests to the best of their ability. It’s important to note that due to the large number of participating schools, it may not be possible for HKICF humour the request of every school.

Once the Competition schedule is announced, if a school finds that the allocated time clashes with important activities like exams, tests, school trips, or speech day, the principal or music teacher must reach out to other schools participating in the same category to discuss the possibility of swapping Competition slots.

To initiate the swap, both schools need to come to a mutual agreement and send a written request to HKICF before the specified deadline (within two weeks of the schedule announcement). The school requesting the swap must also submit the academic calendar or any other documentation as supporting evidence. Once the application is approved, HKICF will update the online schedule and notify both schools in writing.

It’s important to note that this arrangement is meant only for extenuating circumstances due to the large number of participating choirs.

In the case that the Education Bureau announces the suspension of classes due to infectious diseases/ weather/ another reason and participating choirs are required to cancel all activities, Competition session(s) may be canceled and there will be no re-scheduling of the Competition session(s).

HKICF will not make any further announcements with regard to the canceled competition session(s) due to the above reason. If a Competition session is canceled for any reason, HKICF retains the discretion to decide if alternative Competition session(s) will be organized. HKICF reserves all rights to transfer, modify, or cancel any Competition-related arrangements. HKICF will not provide a refund under any circumstance.

There are no set pieces for the Competitions. Participating choirs may choose their own repertoire, in any language, voicing (including unison), and length. Original pieces are acceptable. HKICF aims to give participating choirs as much freedom as possible in choosing their repertoire to best showcase their talents.

HKICF will not provide a refund under any circumstance.

be A part of HKICF

Join us at our events and workshops, or support our work by donating. Your support helps us to continue providing high-quality choir programs to the community
