Commissioned Works & Premieres
In order to support the local choral music industry with concrete actions, HKICF has initiated a project to commission different Hong Kong musicians to create local choral repertoires starting in 2022. The aim of this project is to establish a local choral song library, which can be used by school choirs in Hong Kong for rehearsals, performances and competitions. Previous composers commissioned by HKICF include Mr. Leon Ko, Dr. Steve Ho, and Mr. Jason Liu. The musical scores of their compositions have been uploaded to HKICF website for use by school choirs.

Joint School Choirs

Hong Kong Inter-School Choir

Hong Kong Inter-School Choir

Hong Kong Virtuoso Chorus

The Hong Kong Children’s Choir

Hong Kong Inter-School Choir (Secondary Division)

Hong Kong Inter-School Choir (Primary Division)

Hong Kong Inter-School Choir