Competition cum Masterclass — Video recordings will be available in early April. Stay tuned!

Po Kwan Law

Dr. Po Kwan Law

Senior Lecturer of the Hong Kong Baptist University Academy of Music
2024, 2025

A conductor and pianist, Dr. Po Kwan Law is a senior lecturer at the HKBU Academy of Music, and the conductor of Cantoria HK and Polymnia, a newly formed female chamber choir of the Academy.  She has been a sought-after guest conductor, adjudicator, choral and orchestral clinician in Asia and the US. Her guest conducting engagements included Oberlin College Choir, Oberlin Musical Union, San Francisco Conservatory Baroque Ensemble, Illini String Orchestra, University of Illinois Philharmonia, Illinois Chamber Orchestra, Macao Orchestra, Macao Conservatory Orchestra, Asian Youth Orchestra Chorus, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra Chorus and Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra. She was the resident conductor of the Hong Kong Children’s Symphony Orchestra and conductor of the HKBU Women’s Chorus.

Dr. Law received her Doctor of Musical Arts degree in choral conducting from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, where she was the recipient of the Schuetz H. Warren Memorial Scholarship for conducting and teaching excellence. Under the auspices of the Dean’s Talent Award, and the generosity of the Conservatory scholarships, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in piano performance from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music; and Master’s degrees in choral conducting, piano performance and orchestral conducting, from Oberlin Conservatory of Music, San Francisco Conservatory of Music and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign respectively. Her piano and conducting mentors include Monique Duphil, Mack McCray, Chester Alwes, Hugh Floyd, Donald Schleicher and Fred Stoltzfus.