Felix Shuen

Mr. Felix Shuen

Music Director of Diocesan Boys’ School
2021, 2023-2025

Since 2000, Mr. Felix Shuen has been performing regularly as a soloist and chorister in many choirs. In 2003, he received the Ms. Barbara Fei Vocal Scholarship at the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival. He started his vocal training in 2006, and has studied under renowned vocalists including Mr. Jimmy Chan, Prof. Katherine Cowdrick, Dr. Bruce Gladstone, and Dr. Robert McIver. His solo performances include performing Bach’s Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140 [Chinese version says 147], Chilcott’s St. John Passion, Handel’s Messiah, Durufle’s Requiem, Howells’ Requiem, Mozart’s Vesperae Solennes de Confessore, and Vaughan Williams’ Mass in G Minor.

Mr. Shuen also serves as the chorus master of HK Singfest, and the conductor of Hong Kong Young People’s Chorus and the internationally acclaimed Diocesan Boys’ School Choir. He is currently working as the Head of Diocesan Boys’ School’s Music Department. He obtained his Master of Music degree in conducting at the Eastman School of Music. He also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical and Biological Engineering from University of Wisconsin – Madison.