Competition cum Masterclass — Video recordings will be available in early April. Stay tuned!

David Fryling

Prof. David Fryling

Vice President of American Choral Directors Association (ACDA)

Professor David Fryling is director of choral activities at Hofstra University, where he conducts both the select Hofstra Chorale and Hofstra Chamber Choir and teaches beginning and advanced studies in choral conducting as well as graduate-level studies in choral conducting and choral literature. In addition, he serves as an adjunct professor for the Hofstra School of Education, where he supervises choral music education student teachers during their field placements.

In 2014, Prof. David was inducted into the Long Island Music Hall of Fame as the “Educator of Note” in recognition of his years of leadership in the Long Island music education community, and in 2017 he was named the winner of the American Prize in Conducting in two categories: community chorus and college & university chorus.

In 2013, Prof. David founded the eVoco Voice Collective, a non-profit organization of singers of the highest musical, technical, and expressive abilities. The group comprises two main ensembles, the Mixed Ensemble and the Women’s Ensemble, presents a yearly concert series and a recital, and awards young artist scholarships to outstanding high school singers.

Before his appointment at Hofstra, Prof. David served as music director and conductor of the University of Michigan Arts Chorale. In addition to his professional teaching and conducting responsibilities, Prof. David is a past president of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) Eastern Region, and currently serves as ACDA National Vice President.