Competition cum Masterclass — Video recordings will be available in early April. Stay tuned!

Miss Christy Chan

Programme Coordinator


Christy Chan graduated from the Education University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Creative Arts and Culture, majoring in music. She is experienced in production since university, taking part in a number of live streaming and live performances for both classical and pop concerts as stage manager, videographer and sound engineer.

Christy worked at HKU MUSE as Programme Assistant in the 2022-23 season and has extensive experience in arts administration. She organised a number of classical  concerts for oversea artists, working closely with stage managers and artists.

Through her work backstage in theatre shows, Christy has established good working relations with different NGOs, including Caritas Hong Kong, the Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service, and HKFYG.

Productions Christy has recently participated in include 深耕製作 – 棟篤說愛《愛LOVE瘋》(2023), Hong Kong True Light College – HKTLC Variety Show (2023) , Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service – Original Drama《想見》(2023), 《家和粉麵店》大埔正向劇場 (2022) and EdUHK Lacov Annual Performance (2021, 2022, 2023).

(The Arts Talents Internship Matching Programme is supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.)