Competition cum Masterclass – Registration for a Personalised Certificate of Participation! Click HERE to check.


The event will start at 10:00am, and will end at around 12:00nn.

Check-In Time: 9:30am

Rules & Regulations / FAQs

Order of appearence

  1. Anchors Academy Choir 安基司學校合唱團
  2. CNEC Lui Ming Choi Primary School Choir 中華傳道會呂明才小學合唱團
  3. S.K.H. Chu Yan Primary School Choir 聖公會主恩小學 (主恩歌詠隊)
  4. St. Hilary’s Primary School Choir 德萃小學合唱團
  5. TWGHs Ko Ho Ning Memorial Primary School Choir 東華三院高可寧紀念小學合唱團
  6. AOG St.Hilary’s College (Primary Section) School Choir 神召會德萃書院(小學部)合唱團
  7. Sam Shui Natives Association Lau Pun Cheung School Choir 三水同鄉會劉本章學校(劉本章合唱團)
Last Update: 2024-12-19 13:40:37