Competition cum Masterclass — Video recordings will be available in early April. Stay tuned!


The event will start at 2:30pm, and will end at around 4:00pm.

Check-In Time: 2:00pm

Rules & Regulations / FAQs

Order of appearence

  1. Po Leung Kuk Luk Hing Too Primary School Choir 保良局陸慶濤小學合唱團
  2. St Edward’s Catholic Primary School Senior Choir 聖愛德華天主教小學高級組合唱團
  3. S.K.H. Chu Oi Primary School Choir 聖公會主愛小學合唱團
  4. Tak Nga Primary School Choir 德雅小學合唱團
  5. S.K.H. Yautong Kei Hin Primary School Choir 聖公會油塘基顯小學合唱團
  6. Po Leung Kuk Hong Kong Taoist Association Yuen Yuen Primary School Senior Choir 保良局香港道教聯合會圓玄小學高級組合唱團
Last Update: 2024-12-19 13:34:10

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