Competition cum Masterclass — Video recordings will be available in early April. Stay tuned!


The event will start at 10:00am, and will end at around 11:30am.

Check-In Time: 9:30am

Rules & Regulations / FAQs

Order of appearence

  1. Pui Ching Primary School Choir B 香港培正小學合唱團B隊
  2. South Yuen Long Government Primary School (Junior Choir) 南元朗官立小學 (音樂苗圃)
  3. Aberdeen St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School Junior Choir 香港仔聖伯多祿天主教小學初級合唱團
  4. Tsung Tsin Primary School and Kindergarten (Songsters) 崇真小學暨幼稚園 Songsters
  5. St. Paul’s College Primary School Junior Choir 聖保羅書院小學初級歌詠組
Last Update: 2025-01-10 15:19:59

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