Apply for the Hong Kong Inter-School Choir 2024-2025! Apply Now!

Event Recap




香港校際合唱節的特備節目「國際夏令音樂營」於今天畫上完美句號。今年的音樂營吸引了接近60位中、小學生參加,在來自英國的 Timothy Wayne-Wright 先生和香港校際合唱節藝術總監劉灝顯先生的帶領下,於西九戲曲中心接受了三天的訓練。作為結束演出,小學生組成的「國際夏令音樂營合唱團」在香港迪士尼樂園演出,其出色表現獲得觀眾和家長的歡呼。至於中學生組別則獲安排在專業錄音室進行錄音及音樂影片拍攝,以小組形式演繹「Memories」及「Permission to Dance」兩首流行歌曲。



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Virtual Choir Project 2024

2024-04-08 00:00:00

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HKICF PLUS – School Choir Incubator Programme Finale Concert – Tickets For Sale Now!

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Join us at the "School Choir Incubator Programme Finale Concert," an extension project of the Hong Kong Inter-School Choral Festival, taking place from May 25-26 at the Auditorium of Sha Tin Town Hall.

Promote #Inclusivity: Support the HKICF Concert Ticket Fund

Support Us
We are actively seeking support for our Concert Ticket Fund. A donation of HK$1,500 can sponsor concert tickets for 5 families, promoting inclusivity in music appreciation.